Extra credit for a class is really just an insurance policy in case you don't do as well as you would have liked to on an exam--or at least that's how I see extra credit. But, if you've already done badly on an exam, the extra credit will just give your grade a little boost.
I tend not to need extra credit for classes, but I do it anyway. I can ALWAYS use that insurance policy!
And today is just that day. 5 points extra credit for visiting the body worlds exhibit at the natural history museum in Downtown Denver. I technically don't even need to see it, I just need to show that I purchased a ticket. I don't want to spend all day at the museum, either. I have an exam tomorrow afternoon, a major project due and another exam on Tuesday morning...oh, and I start my photography class tomorrow morning, too! :)
Welp, it's time to get a move on...
so how long did you spend there? it was here a while ago i just didn't want to go see it