Sunday, July 24, 2011

Journey to being a stay at home mom

Well, it's official!  I'm pregnant!  The IVF worked!  After some discussion, we decided that it would be best that I stay at home and raise our baby.  It will be hard to give up school, but it is only for a while.  Rob's looking at getting an appointment to the Naval Post Graduate school in Monterey, CA and he will be starting school in less than a year.  It isn't practical for me to continue school while he's in school.  Someone needs to raise our kid!  So, anyway, it looks like I will be leaving school at the end of this semester.  School will always be there, but there will only be one time to raise my baby.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Journey of the Egg retrieval

I thought this day would never come, but it came today.  We got 42 eggs from our donor.  ICSI was performed on the eggs and we will know tomorrow how many of the fertilizations took.  I'm very excited.  Hopefully the little embryos grow out to day 5 and that we can transfer 2 and freeze the rest for later or for a friend of mine who may end up adopting them.  We'll see what happens! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Journey to Transfer

Well, it's going to happen.  And happen soon.  We are now on donor #4 and she is starting to take her medications and I am going to start putting on my patches pretty soon.  Transfer will be the week of June 13th.  I'm pretty excited, but nervous at the same time.  It will most likely be on that following Saturday, but can't say for sure until we get closer to that time.  Based on past experience, she will have the retrieval on Monday the 13th.

Well, anyway, probably need to get some stuff done around here and get busy studying.  Trying to enjoy my day off as much as possible!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Journey through Nursing School

Well, it's official!  I started Nursing school this past week.  Didn't do a whole lot, just got through orientation.  Start classes on Monday!  Hubby's home for RnR.  Too bad I won't be able to spend a whole lot of time with him while he's here.  We've already lost 2 days due to orientation and I have to study all weekend.  He's being really good to me.  Fixing stuffed bell peppers...yummy!  One of my favorite meals!

Well, I'm off to finish some math/conversion problems and start reading the next three chapters.  Perhaps I'll be pretty close to done today so I can spend tomorrow with the hubby!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Journey to next week’s exams or the start of the donor cycle

I come back to school next week with three exams to look forward to.  Hum, look forward to?  I’m not sure about that, but will be glad when they’re done.  I kind of have myself into a little routine for my weekly exams in pathopsy, but completely unprepared for the next two which are both on Thursday.  Professors are cruel beings.

Update on my donor.  We had to get a different one because the first one freaked out and decided not to go through with it.  In a way, I’m glad that she decided she didn’t want to do it when she did and start the meds and THEN decide that she doesn’t want to be a donor after all.  My hubs and I found a new girl and she seems very excited about the process.  She’s got three kids and a husband.  Got a call from the agency and she went in for her day 3′s and had an ultrasound which made us very hopeful.  Will try and call my RE and see if they can let me know how the blood work came out and when she goes in for her FDA blood work.

In just a couple of months, hopefully, there will be teeny tiny embryos to implant!  It’s all very exciting.  Just wanted to give you a quick update!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Journey to Friday

One of my professors passed away this week.  I didn't know him very well.  I wish I had.  For some reason, his death has really hit me hard.  He was about the same age as my dad.  My dad has some health issues, as well.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Journey to Spring Break

What a hell-of-a-long-semester.  Forever busy and I can't stop playing around on facebook.  I am going to have to stop some of those games that I play because it is all time consuming and wasteful.  This week is midterms and then Spring Break.  If I can make it through this week unscathed, it will be a miracle and a half.  I'm doing really well at this point, but I have a feeling that this week's exams are going to kill me.  I'm worried about my Genetics and Pathophys exams.  Not worried at all about my First Aid exam...the instructor already gave us all of the questions and answers for that one...yeah, wow!  I don't care for that class, but I need my Red Cross certification for the Nursing program...speaking of, I need to get some titers done and TB tests done and blah blah blah.

Nothing really new in this world.  Hubby's still deployed and it's just me and my dogs and cat hanging out, enjoying the ride.  This weekend starts daylight savings.  As if I wasn't having enough problems getting up in the morning, this ought to make it was sarcasm, just in case you hadn't already figured that out...

Alright, then, I've set my clocks and damn it's getting late.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journey to the Donor Cycle

Well, my husband and I have selected a donor and we've done most of the legal things that need to be completed.  There are just a couple of more things that we need to get emailed and then we're set for a bit.

Our donor will stop her birth control pills this week and  in about 30 days, she'll go in for genetic testing and hormone level checks.  After that, the following month, we will start the cycle.  I'm a little excited for this.

My husband will be home for mid-tour leave in May and by that time, I should be pregnant.  He might even be home to find out the results with me!  That would be pretty neat!  :)

Back to school and aced the 1st Pathophys exam on Tuesday.  I couldn't, to this point, say that I've ever aced an exam before!  I lost my confidence last semester, but I think I'm getting it back now.

Everything is going really fast in school right now; I'm not sure I can keep up with everything!  Gotta stay on top of things, that's the important thing...

My to do list for the next week:
  1. Study for Pathophys exam #2 for Tues
  2. Homework for Genetics
  3. Lab report for Anatomy Lab
  4. Homework for Med. Terminology
  5. Start working on my journal for Micro
Not to mention that I need to clean my house.  My kitchen table has become the dumping ground for all sorts of things and I have no place to sit in the kitchen.  My kitchen counters have become the place for books, papers and old shoes.  I have laundry that desperately needs to be washed, although, I do have an awful lot of clothes.  I need a plan...I don't even a have a "pl"

I think it's about time that I close my facebook, turn off the TV and get to work...I think that's what I'm going to do...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Journey to NSG Pathophysiology

So, I ended up dropping one of my required course last semester due to a personality conflict between the instructor and myself.  As it turns out, it was a pre-req for another pre-req class and I can not start the nursing program without all of the pre-reqs and the instructor won't allow me to take the class without having completed all of the pre-reqs for the course.  I am in the process of pleading my case, but because of the snow storm yesterday, no one was available to take my inquiry.  Hopefully, the roads will be better tomorrow and I can start hammering this thing out.  As of right now, I won't be able to take the class which means that my acceptance into the program is in jeopardy.  I am a planner.  I like knowing what the next step is and I become very anxious if I don't.  I am still waiting to hear from the professor via email.  She has an office, but doesn't work from there and said the best way to reach her is via email.  Ugh!

Let you know how it turns out... :/

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Journey to the 1st day of classes

So, the next semester starts up on the 17th.  I am basically ready to go.  I am already studying for my upcoming courses, not necessarily looking forward to all the memorization that is going to take place this semester, but I guess that's just part of the experience.

Update on my fertility treatments:  I had an IUI done in Oct 2010 which failed and December went in thinking that I was going to have an IVF cycle.  Well, that was canceled and was switched to an IUI, which also failed.  I have got a donor already and we'll see if that works.  If not, I'm not playing around.  A friend of mine offered to be my surrogate, if we need to go down that road.  I really hope that it doesn't come down to it.  I really want to be pregnant.  But, the end result is still the same--I will be a mother, or that is the hope anyway!

Well, nothing more to update.