So, I ended up dropping one of my required course last semester due to a personality conflict between the instructor and myself. As it turns out, it was a pre-req for another pre-req class and I can not start the nursing program without all of the pre-reqs and the instructor won't allow me to take the class without having completed all of the pre-reqs for the course. I am in the process of pleading my case, but because of the snow storm yesterday, no one was available to take my inquiry. Hopefully, the roads will be better tomorrow and I can start hammering this thing out. As of right now, I won't be able to take the class which means that my acceptance into the program is in jeopardy. I am a planner. I like knowing what the next step is and I become very anxious if I don't. I am still waiting to hear from the professor via email. She has an office, but doesn't work from there and said the best way to reach her is via email. Ugh!
Let you know how it turns out... :/
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